Sunday, August 31, 2008

Look Deeper

I do what I do because I believe what I believe.

Good and bad, wise and foolish - I do what I do because I believe what I believe.

Being kind, giving, patient, loving - I do what I do because I believe what I believe.

Indulging now instead of enduring satisfaction later - I do what I do because I believe what I believe.

So, what do i believe?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where I'm Going

I've been sitting here for way too long; it's time that I was moving on... - Third Day

Sounds like "I've been sitting in hell for way too long", which I have. And as I have been more rebellious, I've become more apathetic. I've been gone so long that it seems easier to stay away...far, far away. Only a wrecking ball will make these cement walls tumble to the ground.

I've said these words so many times and been in this place for so long, I'm not sure that anything makes this confession more valid or sincere than any of the others. I see glimpses of peace and rest and beauty, and I want that. I want those things back. My heart says whatever it takes, but my mind is screaming about the things I'm giving up. What am I giving up? Shame, blame, anger, resentment, fear...What do I want? Freedom, peace, rest, joy, truth, a softened heart...

Give up on all the other things 'cause My love can bring you more. And if you take a chance on me I'll give you what you're looking for. - Third Day

Jesus, blow me out of the water with Your love. Help me to trust in You, in Your faithfulness, everyday. Break the things that need to be broken and heal what needs to be healed.

From a broken earth flowers come up, pushing through the dirt. - Dave Crowder

Waiting for daisies amidst the rubble...