Sunday, September 9, 2007


I was praying for you and some other friends a couple of days ago. I made it through the list, all except for one name, the last person. Me.

I don't know why it's this way, but often times it's so much easier to pray for others, to believe God for other people, than it is to ask Him for something for me. It's much worse when we're not on the best terms, but I have that problem even when we're best friends. And it's not with everything, just some things.

God can bring healing to a friend's sick body, provide rest for another, come through and let situations work out for yet another. And I know He can do those very same things for me. But a lot of times, our conversations go like this:

Me: Hey Poppa.
Him: Hey honey. How was your day?
Me: Oh, You know...
Him: Yeah? Well, what's up?
Me: Would you be with x, y and z and do this for them...
Him: No problem. Anything else, dear one?
Me: ...No...
Him: What's the matter? Are you forgetting that I see your heart?

I can take God out of the box and watch Him do miracles all around me. So why stuff Him back in when it comes to me?

I know, He just wants me to tell Him. Pray that I tell Him, soon.

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